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Dr Podcast - Benvenuti a Bordo – Viaggi sportivi con Federico Buffa

Benvenuti a Bordo – Viaggi sportivi con Federico Buffa


Are you ready to let Federico Buffa guide you around the world to discover unforgettable sports stories?

Apple Podcast
Amazon Music
Italian Language

Benvenuti a Bordo – Viaggi sportivi con Federico Buffa

As Nelson Mandela said "sport has the power to change the world, it has the power to inspire, it has the power to unite people in a way that few other things are able to do". Are you ready to let Federico Buffa guide you around the world to discover unforgettable sports stories? Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Washington, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Tokyo... great cities, unique realities, unmissable destinations. Each one holds secrets and beauties to discover and great stories that have become legendary. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

Allacciate le cinture e godetevi il viaggio!

A Dr Podcast Audio Factory LtD production

Federico Buffa

Italian journalist and sports commentator. In addition to his activity as a basketball commentator and sports commentator, he conducted some anthological broadcasts always on a sports theme, in which he demonstrated - according to Aldo Grasso - to "be an extraordinary narrator, capable of making real culture, that is, of establishing links, creating connections , open digressions ”in possession of an enveloping and evocative style.

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